Marilyn Esther Johnson Crisp

Marilyn Esther Johnson Crisp, age 85, of Shelby, died early Thursday morning, December 22, 2016 at the Crestwood Care Center in Shelby.
Marilyn was born October 22, 1931 in Presque Isle, Maine to the late Gustave and Priscilla (Thompson) Johnson. She was a graduate of Presque Isle High School. Marilyn was very musically inclined. She was an accomplished pianist and sang harmony as a member of Sweet Adelines International. Marilyn was never a horse rider, but she loved to watch them and, in her younger years, enjoyed bowling. Though she and her late husband, Bill, lived in several places around the country, her heart was always in her native Maine.
Marilyn is survived by a daughter: Catherine (James) Bly of Shelby; a son: Willice Albert “Will” Crisp, III of Glendale, AZ; 5 grandsons; and 4 great grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Willice Albert “Bill” Crisp, Jr., on February 6, 2015, and a sister, Sharon Doyen.
Private graveside services will be held at Oakland Cemetery in Shelby. Memorial contributions may be made to ASPCA, PO Box 96929, Washington, DC, 20090-6929 or Shriners Hospital for Children, 2900 Rocky Point Drive, Tampa, Florida 33607.
Care for Marilyn and her family is being provided by Bob, Catherine, and Jake at the Turner Funeral Home, 168 West Main Street, Shelby.
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My deep condolences to Mrs. Catherine Bly, Mr. Willice Crisp III and family. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Isaiah 25:8