Penwell Turner Funeral Home - Shelby, Ohio

Delmar B. Horning

Delmar B. Horning, newborn son of Harvey and Norma (Burkholder) Horning went to Heaven  on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Akron after his birth earlier in the day at home.

Surviving along with his parents are 3 brothers: Alan Ray, Kevin Lee, and Wesley Horning; 4 sisters: Mary Anne, Lorraine, Sharon, and Marla Jane Horning; Paternal grandparents: Aaron Z. and Lizzie Horning of Shiloh; Maternal grandparents: Samuel and Wilma Burkholder of Shiloh; Maternal great grandparents: Harry and Lena Burkholder of New Holland, PA; Step great grandmother: Ada Reiff of Ephrata, PA.

Graveside services were held on Monday, November 23, 2015 at 2 PM at Country View Mennonite Cemetery with Ammon Burkholder and James Horning officiating.

Care for Delmar was given by Bob, Catherine and Jake at Turner Funeral Home in Shelby. To send a condolence to the Horning family, please visit


Memories & Condolence

  1. Julie Wells says:

    Sorry about your lose.

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