Turner Bradley Grove

Turner Bradley Grove, infant son of Denny and Robin (Woodward) Grove of 159 East Main St., was stillborn Monday morning at Mansfield General Hospital.
In addition to his parents, he is survived by three sisters: Katie, Betsy, and Chelsey, all at home. Paternal grandparents: Robert and Carol (Kiess) Grove Jr., of Shelby; paternal great-grandfather:
Robert Grove Sr., of Shelby; maternal grandparents: Herbert and Betty Lou (Soliday) Woodward, of Beliville; and maternal great-grandfather Walter Woodward of Bellville. Aunts, uncles, and other relatives.
Private services will be held at the convenience of the family at the First Christian Church in Shelby by the Rev. C. Reid Miller. Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery. Funeral Arrangements are being handled by the Turner Funeral Home.