Penwell Turner Funeral Home - Shelby, Ohio

Jeffry Allen Pollock

Specialist 4 Jeffry Allen Pollock, age 20, of 27 Steel Avenue, Shelby, died Friday morning in Wahiawa General Hospital in Wahiawa, Hawaii from injuries received in an automobile accident early that morning. He was born September 8, 1972 in Shelby.

Specialist Pollock was serving with the United States Army at Headquarters and Headquarters Co., 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry, (Wolfhounds) ,25th Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. He was a 1991 graduate of Shelby Senior High School where he was a member of the football and baseball teams. He was a former employee of the McDonalds in Shelby. He was interested in art and planned to attend The Ohio State University majoring in industrial design.

He is survived by his mother, Susan Deitrick of Shelby; his fianceé, Kim Hardesty of Shelby; and 1 sister, Jennifer Pollock of Shelby; his maternal grandmother, Mary Jane Pollock of Shelby; 3 aunts: Paulette Sponseller of Ontario, Marlise Summers, and Linda Hicks both of Shelby; and 1 uncle, Willard Pollock of Shelby; 13 cousins.

He was preceded in death by his maternal grandfather, Willard Pollock.

Calling hours will be on Wednesday from 7-9 P.M. at the Turner Funeral Home. Graveside services will be held on Thursday at 10:30 A.M. at Oakland Cemetery in Shelby with the Rev. Lyle Hinkle, Pastor of the First United Methodist Church officiating. Military graveside services will be conducted by military personnel from Fort Knox, Kentucky. Memorial contributions may be made to the Shelby Senior High School Athletic Boosters Club and left in care of the Turner Funeral Home.

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