Penwell Turner Funeral Home - Shelby, Ohio

Gerald Allen Ward

Gerald Allen Ward, infant son of Gerald L., Jr., and Christine (Lee) Ward, of 967 Burger Avenue in Mansfield, died Saturday morning in Akron Children’s Hospital.

He was born Friday evening in Mansfield General Hospital.

Surviving besides his parents are maternal grandparents, Robert and Darlene (Enyart) Lee of Mansfield; maternal great-grandparents, Everett and Edith Lee and Warren and Dorothy Enyart all of Mansfield; maternal great-great-grandparents, John and Millie Easterling of Mansfield; paternal grandparents, Gerald L. and Anna Mae (Fidler) Ward, Sr. of Mansfield; and paternal great-grand parents, Forrest and Helen Ward of Mansfield; aunts, uncles, and other relatives.

He was preceded in death by his paternal great-grandparents, Chester and Christina Fidler.

Funeral services will be held on Monday at 11:00 A.M. at the Turner Funeral Home by the Rev. Bruce Copley, pastor at the Paradise Chapel in Mansfield, officiating. Burial will be in Franklin Cemetery. Friends and reletives may call prior to the funeral services.

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